Saturday, 29 September 2007


Knitting makes me happy, it is the soft touch and old fashioness about it that makes it so special. When I first saw Donnas knitted pieces in the craft council in london years ago I fell in love with it, I love knit and I love cupcakes so you can't go wrong really.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Hable Constructions - New York City

Hable Construction is now stocking my Ribbon Budvases. You can find them on 177 Perry Street in New York or online at

For more information please email me.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

My uk studio

When Lucky Magazine came over earlier this year, they wanted to shoot the pictures of me in my studio. I really tried to explain to them that it is a rather modest and petite studio, but they insisted and these pictures is for you to see the how it looks like where I work when i'm in the uk.